
When I'm not working on my books, I'm a variety streamer, and play games like Sims,Wylde Flowers and Stardew Valley as well as doing cozy reacts. I also do productivity streams where we use the pomodoro method, give advice, and react to tiktoks, reality tv and more.
My stream is a fun, relaxing place for people to hang out and talk games, mental health and more. Everyone is welcome! ♥️
I stream every Monday starting at 12:00 PM eastern time and random times throughout the week!
Follow me on Twitch to catch my next stream.

So what's a co-working stream? What's the pomodoro method?? Basically, I do productivity sprints, think 30 mins of focused work, with 5-10 minute breaks to talk and share updates in chat. I'll be mostly working on my writing but
you can work on anything you want!
I do these every Monday in an effort to
start the week off right.

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♡ special emotes for each tier
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